Mutually Agreed Position Switch (MAPS)

About MAPS

This year, Mutually Agreed Position Switches will be approved under the following conditions:

• The switch is proposed after June 21,2024.
• It is Teacher-initiated.
• Teachers must be fully placed as per their contract status.
• The switch is qualifications-based.
• The switch is supported by the two Teachers involved and the two Principals involved. The switch will not be approved without the agreement of all 4 people.
• Once both Teachers have completed the MAPS Application Form each Teacher must submit their signed form to their Staffing Officer.
• It is the role of the Secondary Teaching Office to confirm support of the two Principals involved. Teachers will be advised of the outcome of their request by the Staffing Officer.
• The switch will be recorded on a staffing log, after the Principals have confirmed support with the Staffing Officer.
• Once it has been approved, the switch will be permanent, and the home schools of both Teachers will be changed. The Teachers will no longer be eligible for pull back.
• Teachers will receive feedback upon request when a MAPS is not supported.
• The deadline for MAPS Application forms is 12 noon on August 29, 2024.
• Confirmation of MAPS will occur by 12 noon on August 30,2024.


Both links above can also be found on the bottom of Your Profile page under M.A.P.S. settings.

