Women’s Advocate Program

The role of the Women’s Advocates is to assist members who are experiencing domestic violence or know of someone experiencing domestic violence. Trained through OSSTF/FESSO, they are here to support members.

Women’s Advocates can provide you with much needed confidential support to help you navigate the complicated search to find help when you or a loved one is experiencing domestic violence. Whether you need help to find housing resources, shelters or supportive counsellors for your or your children, the Advocates are here to  help.

Advocates are not counsellors, but they can provide you with information on how to find a counsellor or a domestic violence worker in your community. They can also help you understand what types of leaves or assistance are available from your employer and your union.

Advocates are volunteer Members of OSSTF Toronto. As a result, they may not be able to respond to your emails right away.

Do you need confidential support? Please reach out to: womensadvocate@osstftoronto.ca

Please note – this is not a crisis line. If you are in crisis, call:

GTA 416.863.0511
GTA TTY 416.364.8762
TOLL-FREE 1.866.863.0511
TOLL-FREE TTY 1.866.863.7868
#SAFE (#7233) On your Bell, Rogers, Fido or Telus mobile phone

If you are in danger, please call 911.