Our Health & Safety inspectors are Denis Da Ros, Eitan Laufer and Soma Srivistava. Their duties include:
- Conducting monthly workplace inspections at Toronto District School Board sites.
- Attending monthly JH&SC, Worker Caucus, & all inspector meetings representing OSSTF TTBU interests.
- Investigating accidents, near misses, & concerns.
- Providing/assisting members with Health & Safety forms, policies, & procedures.
- Supporting & Assisting members/Executive with WSIB claims, Duty to Accommodate issues, & work refusals.
- Liaising with Branch Presidents/Health & Safety site contacts & the TTBU Executive.
You can find your Health and Safety Inspector by entering your school name in the search window below.
Branches with multiple sites have been assigned an inspector, but if your site is in a TDSB building, your inspector is the inspector that inspects that TDSB building.