About & Contact

The Toronto Teachers’ Bargaining Unit of OSSTF Toronto represents contract secondary teachers, Adult Day School teachers, and continuing education teachers in the secondary panel of the Toronto District School Board.

Member representation begins at the Branch (school or worksite) level with an elected Branch President and Branch Executive. Branch representatives meet monthly at the TTBU Council Meeting where member concerns and member interests are discussed and addressed.

The Bargaining Unit is also represented and served by an elected Executive of 10 time-release officers consisting of a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer and six Executive Officers.

The TTBU President is Michelle Teixeira. Members of the media or the public can reach Ms. Teixeira by contacting the office during business hours.


Toronto Teachers’ Bargaining Unit
OSSTF Toronto

1482 Bathurst Street
Suite 300
Toronto, Ontario
M5P 3H1

Phone: 416 393 8900

Email: https://osstftoronto.ca/about-contact/executive-members/

Office Hours: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Thursday, and 8:30 am to 3:30 pm on Friday.

The office is closed during all school holidays. Executive Officers are available during the first two weeks and last two weeks of the summer.


Contact Information for PSSP and OTBU Bargaining Units of OSSTF Toronto


Professional Student Services Personnel (PSSP) Bargaining Unit

255 Duncan Mill Rd, Suite 404
Toronto ON  M3B 3H9

Phone: (647) 348-3351

E-Mail:  solange.scott@d12.osstf.ca


Occasional Teachers’ Bargaining Unit (OTBU) 

Suite 1708 – 95 Thorncliffe Park Dr.
Toronto, ON, M4H 1L7

Phone: 416-423-3600

Email: otbu.office@d12.osstf.ca