Dismantling Anti-Black Racism and Intersectionality Officers

OSSTF Toronto has the ongoing responsibility to address anti-Black racism in all its forms, and the Dismantling Anti-Black Racism and Intersectionality Officers positions are one part of the commitment to this mandate.

There are four officers in total who work alongside one another as a team: two from the Teachers’ Bargaining Unit (TBU) in our bargaining unit, one from the Occasional Teachers’ Bargaining Unit (OTBU) and another from the Professional Student Support Personnel (PSSP) Bargaining Unit.

The  Dismantling Anti-Black Racism and Intersectionality Officers with their respective Bargaining Units are as follows:

Teachers’ Bargaining Unit

Vincent Bisasor – vbisasor@osstftoronto.ca

Charles Walters – cwalters@osstftoronto.ca

Occasional Teachers’ Bargaining Unit

Eunice O’Mahony – eomahony@osstftoronto.ca

Professional Student Services Personnel Bargaining Unit

Paulina Monlouis – pmonlouis@osstftoronto.ca