Bargaining Bulletin #24

Teacher/Occasional Teacher Central Table Negotiations Update

Over the last few days, OSSTF/FEESO has made attempts to clarify positions so that bargaining could recommence. Unfortunately those attempts have been unsuccessful. Negotiations at the central bargaining table for teachers and occasional teachers remain at an impasse, and all previously scheduled bargaining sessions have been cancelled. The Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPSBA) and the Government of Ontario remain focused on proposals that would erode working conditions, reduce meaningful face-time with students, undermine our members’ professional judgement and continue to financially penalize OSSTF/FEESO members.

Our negotiating team remains ready and willing to return to the table if and when OPSBA and the government are ready to approach bargaining from a position of respect and are willing to work towards a negotiated settlement.

Special Fee for Enhanced Strike Pay

As you know, in the event of a full withdrawal of services by any bargaining unit, members who are not on strike will be subject to a special supplemental fee as outlined in CB Issue 4.

Please note that the special fee will not take effect until after settlements have been reached and relationships with our employers have been normalized.

Please frequently check the “Members Only” section of the OSSTF/FEESO website for updated information on bargaining.