The Professional Development (PD) Day on February 14, 2025 is a Board-wide PD day. The TTBU Professional Development Committee is hoping to offer many options should members wish to incorporate it as part of their day. Please note that the schedule for the day will be from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Unless otherwise noted, workshops will be delivered in-person at John Polanyi CI, 640 Lawrence Avenue West (near the Lawrence Avenue West subway stop, plenty of parking).
The TTBU is awaiting approval from the Toronto District School Board per PPM 151. If approval is granted, we will proceed at that time with registration.
REGISTRATION IS NOT OPEN AT THIS TIME. For some workshops spaces are limited as will be noted in their description, and/or require a minimum number of registrants to run.
For more information contact Executive Officer Mark Kissel at